Given a word what sort of image does it generate?
When you hear / read the word television what do you mentally see?
please add your experience of your television to the comments
Architectural Experimentation through the medium of Film and Animation
When I think of the word television - I mentally picture the televisions that I sat in front of as a child - I do not first think of the flat screen that my children perceive - my internal version of the television is one of two depending on where or with whom I am with:
[1] Situated in my grandparents living room in the USA - this TVs construction is of black plastic. It has two dials UHF/VHF, two fixed telescopic radio antennae, mono speaker. Another smaller dial for the volume and to dial it ON/OFF.
[2] My childhood TV in my parents' living room and is predominantly the one that I visualize - it has 8 buttons for 3 available TV channels. The rounded glass of the screen sat proud of the wood veneer chipboard cabinet; molded black plastic on both sides of the screen. On the left just the logo and speaker but mirroring the indentations of the right hand sides : Manually Preset Push buttons for the channels at the top; then a speaker; then towards the base an ON/OFF push button slightly shinier than the rest of the buttons because of more usage over time; another button to the right of this button for Stereo sound (perhaps?)
When I picture television, I don't really imagine a t.v. I do if I think about it (my parents old tv was also a veneer box with a kind of woody fibre molded back.) I picture a scene from daytime tv entertainments show. Richard and Judy in some non-descript corporate lounge telling bad jokes before the backdrop of Londons iconography through the windows. Jeremy Kyle, Amon Holmes, GMTV, Loose women, Gok Quawn (excuse spelling!).
I don't own a tv and haven't for a while. We have 3 computers in the house which we watch films from and occasionally iplayer or 4od.
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